Riau Expo Never Impact on Economy, But Provincial Government Set target Rp15 Billion

Riau Book - Stretching of promotion for local investment potential is still fixated on Riau Expo which so far runs did not leave a significant impact on economy. But it is still carried out with a great target.

In its implementation, through the Investment and Promotion Agency (BPMPD) which is designing promotion activities for the potential investment by holding Riau Expo on August 2016. This year, it is targeted more than 15 billion economic transactions happened in this event.

It was expressed by Head of Investment and Promotion Agency (BPMPD) of Riau Province, Ismaili Fauzi in Pekanbaru. He considered, Riau Expo is one event that is considered appropriate to maximize the potential of Riau.

"We hope this year the target is above 15 billion. We are confident that the target would be achieved," he said.

He explained that his agency have a plan to invite the direct parties in Riau Expo such as Malaysia. In addition, in the implementation of Riau Expo, it will display a variety of cultural performances from each county and city in the province of Riau. (RB / MC)

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